

AWD trade policy consulting can partner with you to create and deliver bespoke training packages on a wide range of trade issues. We have an approachable manner and an accessible style. Training sessions are informative, useful and fun. Participants will feel confident that they have the resources to understand changes in UK trade policy and the impact on their business.

Case study: We have extensive experience training a wide range of people on trade issues globally. One example is training for a UK based organisation which was preparing for an advocacy campaign focussed on a topical trade issue. To help mobilise the large campaigner base we designed an issue specific training course to deliver to campaign groups to empower their participation. Another is training for a small island state government which had a rapid expansion of the Ministry of Trade. We designed a training course for the newly appointed decision makers to bring them up to speed on the multiple, concurrent negotiations the country was involved in and to understand and apply trade policy tools in the local and international context.